Friday, January 11, 2013

Activity 5

1.1.     Run the Build an Atom simulation and build a neutral lithium atom and a neutral boron atom.  Take a picture, or a screen shot, of these two atoms and place them on your blog.  List the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for each. Also look up and post the density for each of the elements on your blog. 

 neutral lithium atom= 3 protons, 3 neutrons, 3 electrons
neutral boron atom= 6 neutrons, 5 protons, 4 electrons
Lithium- 0.534 g/cm3
Boron- 2.34 g/cm3

photo of Neutral Lithium Atom =

Photo of Neutral Boron Atom =

1.     Define density and the equation for density and post on your blog.
The definition of density is: Density is a characteristic of elements that described how much a certain amount of the element weights. For example, an element might only weight three lbs. per cubic inch.

The equation for density is d=m/v. Density = mass/ volume

2.     Run the Density simulation and complete one (your choice) of the prepared Teaching Ideas and post your results on your blog. The activity you choose should be one of the student intended activities.
The density simulation that I chose was the “Sink or Flout” activity. Here is the link to the simulation test.
The questions that I was to answer for the sink flout activity was:
1.      What did you discover about an object put in water versus put in oil?
The things that I discovered once butter the wood and brick into the water and oil is that wood flouts higher in water then it does in oil. Brick will sink to the bottom no matter if it is oil or water. When changing the mass and volume, the same rules apply with wood and brink put into the water and oil. By if one was to change the density the wood still flouts at a lower rate, and the brick does not sink, but flouts about the same level as the wood.

2.       Tell me two (2) other things you discovered while using this simulation.
Two thinks that I learned from doing this experiment was that one: When putting wood into water, the buoyancy = 103.00L When putting wood into oil the buoyancy is 103.45 L. this is because wood flouts in water and oil because it is buoyant. But something like a brick, that is not buoyt, it will sink.
The other thing that I have learned from this experiment is that by putting the wood and brink into the water 50% is outside of the water, and 50% in under the water. For oil, the same results are shown.

4. Complete the Mystery Blocks activity on the Density simulation.  Post on your blog the data you collected (mass, volume, and density) and the identification of the material and the known density.
Wood: density= .4 kg/L, If mass is 2.00kg the volume is 5.00L
Ice: density= 0.92 kg/L mass is 4.60 kg the volume is the same at 5L
Styrofoam: density= .15 kg/L mass is .75 kg and the volume is 5 L
Brick: density= 2.00 kg/L mass= 10kg volume 5.00L
Aluminum: density= 2.70 kg/L mass 13.50 kg volume 5

5. Identify and post on your blog the Science Standards that could be met through these activities completed in Activity 5
The science standards for grade four that could be met for this activity are:
Standard A:
-          A 4.1 ” When conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed”
This standard works because the children have a great chance to ask question and try to come up with a hypostasis before the experiment starts. Children can take educated guesses because of life experiences they have had.
-           4.2 “When faced with a science-related problem, decide what evidence, models, or explanations previously studied can be used to better understand what is happening now”
This standard works because of past experiences with seeing wood or a brink being put into a liquid and seeing what happens to it. They can use this knowledge to better understand scince and experiments in their future schooling years.
Standard B:
-          B 4.3 “Show* how the major developments of scientific knowledge in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences have changed over time”
This standard works because the scientific knowledge of this earth shows the same results that I came up with in the sink or flout test. This earth that we live in has changed over time by now people knowing that if something weights more than the other objects that they are working with, heaver always going on bottom, or you use that object first. By knowing this students are becoming more independent and being able to figure things out by themselves.
Standard C:
-          C 4.5 “Use data they have collected to develop explanations and answer questions generated by investigations”
Students could do this experiment on their own outside of class many times and record the data. Once completed many times they can develop explanations of why the wood did this one time, and this the other. Same goes for the brick. With having this data they will be able to answer the questions that are generated by the investigation.
Standard D:
-          D 4.1 ” Understand that objects are made of more than one substance, by observing, describing and measuring the properties of earth materials, including properties of size, weight, shape, color, temperature, and the ability to react with other s”bstances"
This one is hard to say how it would go along with the sink flout test, but one student might be about to test different types of wood and bricks to see if that makes a differences in there results. Some wood might be made out of a different tree that is lighter or heaver. This would either make it sink lower or flout higher depending on the density of it.

Standard E
-          Does not apply for the sink flout test

Standard F
-          F 4.4 “Using the science themes*, develop explanations* for the connections among living and non-living things in various environments”
Since wood is a living thing students might be able to connect this to the environment and develop an explanation of why wood does what it does in water and oil.
Standard G
-          Does not apply for the sink flout test
Standard H
-          H 4.2 “Using the science themes*, identify* local and state issues that are helped by science and technology and explain* how science and technology can also cause a problem”
This standard works by causing a problems because of one is not paying close attention to what is happen in the experiment or doing the right math to find out how much the water lowers or rises, the results could change, which would change the outcome. 

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